At Gan Yiladim Preschool, in each of our programs, we stimulate the whole child by providing opportunities for children to grow in all areas of development; physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively. Literacy rich activities is a core focus with all ages in our preschool beginning with songs and finger plays in the young toddlers, to alphabet songs and name recognition in the 2’s to creating, writing and illustrating their own books in the 4’s.
Gan Yiladim Preschool programs:
YOUNG TODDLERS- 18 MONTHS The program for our youngest children provides a warm and encouraging environment in which to play, explore and grow, to have fun with friends and to joyfully connect to Judaism. We provide the sense of security and loving care that young toddlers need to thrive during this stage of development.
TODDLERS-2 YEARS Children are natural scientists, curious about one another and the world around them. It is a time for exploration and experimentation, a time of introduction to a wide variety of materials and processes, a time of making friends and active learning. Rich in hands on experiences, activities are both child inspired and teacher guided. At this age teachers are further supporting the child’s development self-help skills such as potty training and eating with utensils.
PRESCHOOL- 3’S Learning is an active process and children learn best by doing and experimenting, wondering and speculating, listening and speaking, with sophisticated ‘play’ as a core activity throughout the day. Teacher use carefully planned activities and put provocations in learning centers to stimulate children’s thinking.
PRE-K Our oldest group of children are our 4 year old students. Their day is filled with rich literacy experiences that allow them to develop a deep appreciation for language and early literacy. The children are extremely capable at this age and teachers encourage independence. Carefully planned centers are out for the children to engage in to practice all necessary skills to be prepared to enter kindergarten in public or private schools.