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Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most common questions we get asked.  If you do not see the answer you are looking for here, please contact us by using the form above!

Can I Submit A Listing For My New Preschool?

Absolutely! We are here to help you get the word out.  Please just click HERE to go to our submission page and follow the instructions.

Does it cost to list my preschool?

Yes and No. We have both free and paid listing options for you.  If you are simply utilizing our listings for your SEO or general online exposure, our free listing may be perfect for you.

However, if you wish to utilize the full power of our website and the traffic it receives, please consider doing the paid listing.  You will have the ability to add much more information and much greater potential to draw in new clients.  You can learn more by clicking HERE.

Can I upgrade my listing at a later time?

Absolutely!  You can upgrade your listing any time you wish.  Simply contact us via our contact form and we will help you take care of the upgrade immediately.

Can I add an event for my preschool to the event calendar?

PLEASE DO!  We welcome and encourage our listing preschools to add their events here.  All you do is use your login to reach your member’s area and there is a tab there to add a new event. 

Once the event is submitted, our admin will review it and publish it for you.

Can I post a job available for our preschool?

Of course! If you have a position available, please log in to your member’s area and add your job listing there! We will do a quick review of it and publish it.

Standard expiration on job listings is 60 days, so please be sure to renew the listing if you need to (you will receive a reminder), or mark it filled once it is filled.